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Tired woman in the office

Three-thirtyitis is that dreaded beast that arrives half way between lunch and dinner where sleepiness sets in and you’re day dreaming of a better life in your bed.


eing tired is one thing, but another common symptom of Three-Thirtyitis is being seriously hungry while wondering how you'll get through the rest of the day!

Three-Thirtyitis can hit us all without warning, some more than others, and tends to show its ugly head around the office, or just in time for school-pickup for the busy mums and dads who have been on the run all day.

Thankfully there are a few great strategies that can be used to kick start the mind and body, get your day back on track, and moving full-steam ahead!

Here are our 8 favourite strategies:


Get Your Body Moving

As soon as you start moving, every cell your body is stimulated into action. Oxygenated blood flows through your body, including your brain. As such, just a few minutes of movement in the afternoon can awaken and refocus your mind. Many studies show exercise reduces fatigue, especially when done consistently. The release of endorphins that comes with exercise will leave you feeling more energised and ready to tackle any challenge. The good news is, just getting up from your office chair and taking a quick walk,  around the office, down to the nearest café, or a beautiful nature spot will get your body and mind refocused for the rest of the day.


Tropeaka Boost

If you want to keep an alert mind and body, it's essential to fuel yourself with the right food. We've all experienced the sluggish, fatigued feeling after a big meal, commonly known as a "food coma". This happens when you eat too much food that isn't easily digestible and doesn't supply the body with the essential nutrients you need to function at 100%.

Therefore, if you want to fight fatigue, it’s important to supplement with something that’s easily digestible and floods your body with energy-filling nutrients.

Our Tropeaka Boost does precisely that! Take Boost once in the morning and again in the early afternoon along with a healthy lunch and you'll see a significant improvement in your overall energy levels throughout the day. Boost will help you get that vitality buzz, without the jitters and dehydration that come with an afternoon coffee!

Power-relaxation comes in many forms but always involves recharging your body through centred-breathing, meditation, and being in the present moment


5-10 Minutes of Power-Relaxation

Fatigue is your body’s way of saying“I need some time out”. The best way to do this is through what we like to call power-relaxation.

Power-relaxation comes in many forms but always involves recharging your body through centred-breathing, meditation, and being in the present moment.

There are many great guided meditation videos for boosting energy on YouTube that are just 5-10 minutes long and will guide you through relaxing and recharging your mind.

You'll be surprised how awake you'll feel once you remove yourself from the stresses in your current environment, and spend a short while relaxing. Here are a couple of slightly longer guided meditations to continue with, here and here.


Take a Power Drink

Don't take an energy drink; take a power drink!

While an energy drink will give you that 'rush and then crash' feeling, a Power Drink will provide your body with sustained energy that will get you through your day!

We’ve already talked about taking Tropeaka Boost, but other great options to add to your arsenal include, Green Tea and Kombucha.

Green Tea is full of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant immune-boosters that fights free-radical damage. It also has a good amount of caffeine, which is less than coffee but enough to give you a good energy boost without the jitters.

Finally, Green Tea also improves brain function and improves physical performance due to the amino acid L-theanine.

The other exciting Power Drink worth mentioning is Kombucha, a fermented tea drink enjoyed for centuries by cultures around the world.

It’s recently grown in popularity, and rightly so, due to its many health benefits.

Kombucha is used in many parts of Asia as a sports drink, because of its energy boosting properties, and other health benefits. It's a great source of probiotics for digestive health, as well as an excellent detoxifier for cleansing. Kombucha also contains a large number of antioxidants to help boost your immune system.


Have a Power Nap

A power nap isn’t always possible, but for those that aren’t in an office environment, or on the run and have 20 minutes spare, then a power nap could be one of the best things to fight off Three-Thirtyitis.

The danger of having a power nap is waking up feeling tired and sluggish if you sleep too long, which is known as sleep inertia. There are many studies on naps, with most studies saying a nap between 10-20 minutes is best to feel energised and avoid any grogginess upon waking.

The other option to avoid feeling sluggish is to sleep 90 minutes, which is one full sleep cycle. However, for most people, 90 minutes isn’t a possibility around mid-afternoon.


Eat a Fruit Snack

Before leaving the house, add one more item to your checklist…fruit!

Eating fruit is a great way to boost your energy quickly. An apple or pear are ideal, as they have a lower GI than other fruits with higher sugar contents such as pineapples, bananas, berries and mangoes.

If you feel like a more sugary piece of fruit, then try to combine it with a low GI snack such as nuts or seeds, which will lower the overall GI of the meal.

Music can also play a significant role in improving our health, from reducing stress and anxiety


Listen to Upbeat Music

It's no surprise that many of us reach for upbeat music when we're at the gym, or preparing to go out for a party. Playing the right music is one of the best ways to feel energised and lift your spirits.

Music can also play a significant role in improving our health, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving immune function and even reducing pain.

So the next time you’re feeling sluggish mid-afternoon, why not turn on some upbeat music, sing along, and dance like nobody’s watching!


Have a Shot of Tropeaka Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is one of the most potent superfoods on the planet. With a complete amino-acid profile, a whole range of B vitamins for all-day energy, potent amounts of vitamins A and C as well as magnesium, potassium and calcium; wheatgrass is a truly powerful superfood!

Tropeaka Wheatgrass can be bought by itself or in combination with ou Ultra Cleanse or Superfood Greens + D blends. Keep some at work and some at home, so you have it whenever you need it most!


Our 8 favourite strategies to combat Three-Thirtyitis will have you feeling energised and ready to finish off the day.

If you want to feel truly superhuman, it's best to combine a few of these strategies at once. For example, you could take a Tropeaka Wheatgrass shot followed by Tropeaka Boost,and then get your body moving while listening to some upbeat music!

There are so many great combinations to choose from, so pick a few and see what works best for you.




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